!! गुरू ब्रह्मा गुरू विष्णु, गुरु देवो महेश्वरा गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः !!

An Advice Can Change Your Life !

गुरू ब्रह्मा गुरू विष्णु, गुरु देवो महेश्वरा !
गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः !!

Revealing the Unified connection of Astrology and Vastu Shastra [2023]

In a world where ancient wisdom converges with modern living, the realms of astrology and Vastu Shastra stand as two profound pillars guiding individuals toward harmony, self-discovery, and spatial equilibrium. The interplay between these two age-old practices offers a captivating journey into understanding the cosmic energies that shape our lives and surroundings. As we delve into the intricate tapestry of astrology and Vastu Shastra, we unravel a profound interconnectedness that has intrigued and enlightened generations.

Astrology and Vastu Shastra

Foundations of Astrology and Vastu shastra can is based on the energy of five great elements. Vastu shastra and astrology basically known as supplement (purak) of each other. It is natural to find similarity and harmony between the horoscope of an individual and the Vastu (House)situation in
which he/she is living.

Balance of five elements energy (Agni,vayu,aakash,Prithvi,jal) is your living place is the main concepts of vastu shastra .As Vibrations, waves, sound, and light are the four basic parameters involved in defining the state and character of a house.

As astrological studies also involve these four factors, an interesting interrelationship between Astrology and Vastu shastra can be observed. Vibrations, waves, sound, and light influence the environment of a house,
making it either holy or impure. Wherever necessary, rectification is possible through improvement of vibrations of the various directions.

The remedial measures against Vastu-dosha (misplaced stream/ elements in a house) include compensation through additional vibrations, rectification through extra waves, reinforcement of existing waves through mantra sound, and purification by rightly guided direction of flow of light.

There are several methods by which we can rectify the vastu dosh and correct the stream flow of house. In which following are few important

  1. Colours
  2. Plants (naturally growing and bonsai)
  3. Chanting of classical ‘Mantras’ along with ‘Yaga’
  4. Regulating the solar radiation flow in the house.

Since these instruments for changes in Vastu environment do not involve any demolition or structural alterations, these are quite effective and eminently suited for apartments or flats not constructed as per Vastu

Avakhada chakra – What is Avakhada chakra?

(Benevolent tree)
(Element )
Kritika 2,3,4
Mriga 1,2
Mriga 3,4
Punarvasu 1,2,3
Punarvasu 4
Uttra 1,2
Uttra 3,4
Chitra 1,2
Chitra 3,4
Vishakha 4
Uttrashadha 2,3,4
Dhanisahtha 1,2
Dhaanishtha 3,4
Purvabhadrapad 4

This chart is a magical chart that correlates directions, Nakshatra (constellation), colours, numerology, plant-kingdom, and the five great elements. It shows the way for achieving divine correlation between a tiny
house and the gigantic cosmos, using the simplest possible techniques. Vastu imbalance is essentially distortions in the energy fields aligned with the house. Rectification of these energy fields, correction of rhythm in the aligned electromagnetic flux, stabilizing the ground waves in the vicinity of the house and regulating the solar flux are some of the methods used for countering any Vastu-dosha.

Earth, water, wind, fire, and Aakash are the five great elements with more refined micro level of expression from one element to the next. But, as far as macro parameters like energy and existence are concerned, it is an ascending
order from the earth -element to the ether element. The five qualities associated with the five great elements – sound, touch, form, taste, and smell can be used for classifying activity spectrum of the elements.


Qualities of five great elements

From the chart we can infer that ‘finer the element, lesser is the degree of expression, but higher is the degree of efficiency’. The intelligent way to improve a. Vastu is to use the subtle and finer great elements as catalysts. Earth has a limited effect on water, water has limited effect on wind, wind has limited effect on fire etc. But, as far as power and energy are concerned, fire is more effective than wind, wind effective than water etc. For everlasting effects, it is prudent to use finer and micro level elements, which are more effective in bringing about changes in the environment of a house.

The Eastern mythological thought processes believe that the evolution of living beings can be visualized in terms of subtle and finer energy fields that are aligned with any given individual. It is said that the ‘Panch-koshas’ (five vessels or cores) are expressions of five great elements. The expression of the five great elements in an individual and contribution of qualities by these elements to an individual personality varies as per the Prarabdha or Poorva-Sanskara (pre-ordained situation or outcome of an earlier birth). This makes
every individual a singular personality. The inner or micro-space of an individual is a unique combination of the five great elements together with the Poorva-Sanskara.

In Vastu science, we correlate the micro-space to macro-space, inner space to outer space through a kind of harmony and rhythm in the energy fields. In the cosmic envelope attained by a Vastu, the Prarabdha or Poorva-Sanskara undergoes qualitative changes. One who lives in the properly attained cosmic envelope of a Vastu enters an energy field where there is no friction, impedance, or loss of energy. He also breaks the previous frames of reference and each of the cells and particles of his organic being experiences
enriched, blissful environment. These miraculous results are possible through changes made as per Vastu shastra rules.

Vastu shastra remedies is an aesthetic combination of various techniques to channelise and polarise the multiple fine spectra of cosmic energies. It is a well-known fact from biophysics and biochemistry that polarised light has specific effect on bio-chemical and organic processes. Bio-chemical processes generally involve ionic exchange, i.e., flow of ions across a membrane. The external rhythmic polarised energy in tune with the internal organic elements in a body easily gets absorbed in organic entity. This fresh breath of energy at organic cellular level is endowed with power to erase the old reference frames of a cell.

A cell thus transformed acts as a new cell with additional sources of power and energy. In a way, this is rebirth for the organic substance, or in religious terminology, the ‘Poorva-Sanskara’ of a cell or an organism is removed and bondage of ‘Prarabdha’ ceases to exist. In Yogashastra, the same results are achieved by regulating the flow of ‘Prana’ and polarising the Pranik energy on the mind and conscious, to provide a new frame of reference at bio-chemical level.

Lord Planets – Zodiac Signs – Five Great Elements

Nakshatras are assigned specific Panch-MahaBhutas characteristics. These qualities are reflected in the corresponding zodiac sign. In a horoscope, the planets rule over certain directions, while the zodiac signs have their own directional domains of influence. All these factors present an interesting prospect of multiple permutations and combinations.

Characteristic Element for the DirectionDirectionPlanetary Lord of the Direction
Fire (Agni)East (Poorva)Sun (Ravi)
Wind (Vayu)Northwest (Vayavya)Moon (Chandra)
Earth (Prithvi)South (Dakshin)Mars (Mangal)
Ether (Akash)North (Uttar)Mercury (Budha)
Water (Jal)Northeast (Ishanya)Jupiter (Guru)
  Dragon Tail (Ketu)
Fire (Agni)Southeast (Agneya)Venus (Shukra)
Water (Jal)West (Paschim)Saturn (Shani)
Earth (Prithvi)Southwest (Nairutya)Dragon Head (Rahu)  

Vastu dosha and Cyclic Repetition

A correlation can be noticed between a specific Vastu-dosha and cyclic repetition of grievances, sorrows, and inclement conditions.

• If the Vastu-dosha is related to the East, the North, or the West directions, then non-recoverable loss in small installments is foreseen due to the short cycles and periods of Mars influencing the East, Moon the North, and Venus the West direction. The repetition of difficulties follows the Mars cycle of 45 days, Moon cycle of 2.25 days, or Venus cycle of 28 days.

If the Vastu-dosha is in the South direction, then some fatal incidents are forecast every 12 years or 25 years. Saturn rules the South direction with a long cycle of 27 years. Such Saturn shocks due to Vastu-dosha in the South zone radically change a person’s pattern of life on account of heavy losses.

Vastu-dosha in the Northeast or Northwest indicates slow, steady, and sustained effects on the entire family due to short cycles of the Sun, Venus and Mercury.

• Vastu-dosha in the Southwest and Southeast gives worst effects with repetition of events every 13th and 25th year. Jupiter transits through the Southwest direction with a cycle of 13 years, and Saturn controls Southeast direction over a long cycle of 27 years. As per Vastu-Purush-Mandal, the deities associated with South, Southwest and Southeast directions – Yama, Agni, and Niruta – are pointers to this aspect. 

In previous chapters we have seen how Vastu shastra serves as a key for initiating a cycle of auspicious events in one’s life. Vastu shastra is an art of changing the fortunes of a person by understanding the impact of the Jaivik and Pranik Urja currents. In this chapter, we will first learn the Tantra (technique), then find Mantra remedies, and finally try to understand the Yantra applications.

Yogashastra aims at conversion ofthe Manas (mind) into Gagan (sky element) through the medium of Pavan (wind element). By controlling and channeling the breath and Prana, Yogashastra cleanses the effects of Purva-Sanskara. Prana is the creative link between the silent nature and the macroscopic world. Vastu shastra is the discipline that controls and changes the universal form of this Pranik energy through manipulation of the four great elements – Prithvi (earth), Aap (water), Tej (fire) and Vayu (wind).

The divinities assigned to the Vastu-Purush-Mandal are based on the effect of these four great elements on the sub-directions (Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest) in the Mandal. The element water is associated with the Northeast direction, fire with the Southeast, earth with the Southwest, and wind with the Northwest direction. The disciplined and balanced form of an occupied Vastu largely depends on the due importance given to these four great elements, or in effect to the four sub-directions

It is the very reason why the Brahma-Muhurta or the early morning time is considered an auspicious time. This is the period when natural forces are in complete balance and harmony with each other. It can be said that Vastu shastra is the technique of creating in the macroscopic world, the currents of auspicious Chandra-Nadi present in the invisible nature.

By establishing the Prithvi Tatva in the Southwest direction, the natural Jaivik and Pranik flows receive boost from the Northeast direction due to the enhanced gravitation in the Southwest and thus, allowing the Jaivik and Pranik energies to join into a harmonic merger called Priti Sangam. Akash Tatva is the source for all events and these events flow along the natural energy currents. The Prithvi Tatva of the Southwest, the Jal-Tatva of the Northeast, the Agni Tatva of the Southeast, and the Vayu Tatva of the Northwest in a balanced state provide the Vastu with cosmic auspicious event-horizon.

Astrology describes the qualitative development of the eight directions, twelve zodiac signs, and twenty-seven constellations in terms of the Panch-MahaBhutas characteristics. Vastu shastra describes the Panch-Maha-Bhutas based attainment of divine characteristics by the eight directions. Yogashastra describes the control exercised by the Ida (Chandra Nadi), Pingala (Surya Nadi), and Shushubhna (Brahma Nadi) on the eight directions. The classification in all these three disciplines is mediated through the four parameters – vibrations, waves, sound, and light. To design a perfect Vastu, it is essential that the foundations of these disciplines be studied in detail.

Vastu Tantra

All the impediments obstructing the smooth natural energy flow can be removed by employing Vastu shastra techniques. A study and insight into the natural energy forms can provide us with tools to set aside every type of barrier.

By utilizing the Jaivik and Pranik energy flows as controlled by cosmic energy cycle, Vastu shastra defines the techniques to enhance the life-sustaining qualities of a Vastu. Vastu shastra derives its strength from various disciplines – Yogashastra, Astrology, Ayurveda, Music, and Physical Sciences.

A Mantra garners cosmic and bodily forces and concentrates these through a ritual. A Yantra is a focal point of the visible and the knowable, and gathers visually manifest energies. Tantra makes use of the fact that Mantra and Yantra can act in cohesion and can complement each other.


Resonating sound is the characteristic and quality of a bell. Sound emanating from a specific shape is endowed with virtuous properties. When this virtue serves as a linking bridge between the inner and outer spaces, the sound is called the primordial sound. In Eastern philosophy primordial sounds are perceived as links between an individual and the humanity. In Chinese Feng-Shui discipline, this type of sound is considered as a cleansing medium. In Christian traditions, bells are associated with Churches and Divinity. In Buddhist culture, bells are used as a catalyst to transcend the mind.

Bells generally have a pyramidal shape. These are cast from an amalgam of five metals. The resonating sound of a bell has characteristic rhythm and harmony. It creates divine order by imitating the primordial sound A UM and reverberating it in a repetitive manner, as if in a Japa. Meditation bells which when rubbed with a wooden stick produce vibrations equivalent to the vibrations of root Mantra – A UM – are quite common in Tibetan Lama Dynasties.

As described in scriptures and ancient texts,

  • A of AUM gives Jagruti
  • U of AUM gives Swapna, and
  • M of AUM gives Sushupti

Reverberations in chanting A UM represent Turiya state. Bells resonate and echo these reverberations for a prolonged time in an extended space. Turiya is the fourth state of consciousness representing creativity and completeness. Resounding bells bless the environment with virtues of this Turiya state.

To remove Vastu-dosha of any direction, bells are the simplest media. Bells used in combination with crystals become a very effective tool in Vastu science. The reverberations of bells have profound natural quality to improve vibrations and waves of a space. According to the eastern tradition of spiritual practices, these reverberations transform the voids in space, which are essentially the wombs of creation.

Use of Metals against Disha dosha

In astrology, the Western direction is the direction of strength for the planet Saturn. Saturn is considered to be a negative influence on divine qualities, and a sink and terminator of every possible energy form. Even the source of Pranik energy, the Sun, sets in the West only. Modern experimental nuclear physics indicates that maximum cosmic radiation is received from the West direction.

According to Avak-Hada Chakra, the metal lead represents Saturn. In nuclear technology lead is used in atomic reactors, X-ray aprons, and nuclear shields for its excellent radiation absorption qualities. Now we can broadly correlate the ancient logic behind symbolically using lead in the West direction, which is ruled by Saturn, and the modem concepts of protection against excessive radiation reaching the West zone.

The West direction is considered to be on amicable terms with all termination processes. By placing a lead-chain in the West, the direction achieves completeness from Vastu shastra point of view. The Pranik and Jaivik energy currents complete the natural energy cycle when lead-rings are placed in the West and the copper plates in the South.

Copper provides the necessary conductive medium for movement and flow for the energy currents, pushing these towards the sink of lead in the West direction. By guiding the energy cycles associated with a Vastu into their own natural directional paths, a type of Lunar flow (Chandra Pravah) gets attached to the Vastu, and endows the Vastu with superior virtues like divine-shield and cosmic envelope.

Now that we are conversant with the Tantra or technique of achieving natural directional flows for the Pranik and Jaivik energies as per Vastu shastra principles, we can take a look at the Mantra concepts.

Vastu Yantra For Eliminating Negativit

Vastu Yantra concepts pertain to three different aspects – divine element, worldly element, and spiritual element. Here, we discuss several items of Vastu Yantra. For specific directions, Vastu Yantra utilizes particular items associated with a planet as per the direction-wise classification of the planets in astrology. The inspiration for this exercise is drawn from the Avak-Hada Chakra. Passage of light can be influenced by the use of mirrors.

A crystal (Sphatik) is known for its prowess in wish-fulfillment and attaining success in Chinese Feng-Shui technique. Polarisation of light by water surface, a concept from modem science, has been successfully used in Vastu Yantra. Using the Vastu Yantras, one can rectify various Vastu-Doshas or distorted rhythms of a direction. Chinese Feng-Shui acknowledges importance of musical items like windchimes bells, which can produce natural sounds and rhythms.

Trees and plants, beneficial for ecology and environment, can also be used in correcting Vastu-dosha. Avak-Hada Chakra (best describes the correlation between the trees, star constellations, and Panch-Maha-Bhutas. The benevolent trees (Aradhya Vriksha) associated with divine constellations (Dev Nakshatras), as detailed in Avak-Hada Chakra prove useful in attaining environmental equilibrium.

Christmas tree is best suited for rectifying certain disturbed rhythms, because of its pyramidal shape. Pyramid is the best known controller for guiding cosmic energy, and the shape itself adds aesthetic beauty to a Vastu. Stones like marble that can polarise light and cosmic energy, could be utilized in specific directions for flooring etc.

I Eight types of Vastu Yantras have been discussed in detail, in the following passages.

  • Ishanya Patra
  • Vayavya Sanvadini
  • Pyramid
  • Urdhwa Gurutwa
  • Nairutya Pushkarini
  • Agneya Sanskarini
  • Dakshin Tamra Samvahak
  • SphatikSahasamvedak

Ishanya Patra

The Northeast is the most important direction in Vastu shastra. It is the source of all the cosmic energies. The Northeast lies at the central zone in the paths of Pranik and Jaivik energy flows. Relatively ideal geomagnetically balanced zone is observed in the Northeast only. This direction is deprived of the qualities associated with source points of energy, if Northeast openings are blocked in the Vastu, or if toilets or staircase are located in this zone. Ishanya Patra (vessel for the Northeast) simulates the energy source characteristics, if placed in the Northeast zone.

Light is reflected by the mirror of the induces parallel constructive flow the Pranik and Jaivik energies. The Shri Chakra embossed on the mirror is an ancient Indian mystic symbol that creates a fresh stream of cosmic energy flow. The copper in this Yantra is a known purifying agent. In astrology, copper is a symbol of Mars on the earth, and has its own advantages. The metal silver is associated with Moon.

The Moon as well as the Northeast zone has qualities of Jal Tatva, the basic element water. Sphatik or a crystal helps in giving fruition to human endeavours. It polarizes and harnesses cosmic energy. Sphatik is the embodiment of the celestial being. Infinite polarised waves of light are circulated in the atmosphere due to the crystal placed in an Abhishek Patra is sprinkled with a continuous stream of water.

The water in the copper vessel polarizes light in an even plane, imparting a creative form of cosmic energy to the surrounding space. Chinese Feng-Shui discipline considers the mirror, the crystal, and the water to be universal purifiers. The Shiva Yantra designed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya is also placed in the copper vessel. Astrology considers that the crystal, the silver, and the water symbolize the Moon. Since all these three items are located in the Northeast zone, the auspicious Ida-Chandra Nadi current starts flowing through the Vastu. providing it with a divine grace

TheIshanya Yantra is in a sense Sapta Guna Vardhini (harbinger of seven virtues) as the copper purifies, silver induces Chandra Nadi flow, water polarises, crystal provides divine grace, mirror enhances the source characteristics of the Northeast zone and the Shri Yantra and Shiva Yantra establish the cosmic power center in the Vastu.

Vayavya Sanvadini

In Vastu-Purush-Mandal, Pavan is the Goddess of the Northwest direction. The Vayu Tatva, symbolic of vacillation, movement, sound energy and power imparts these qualities to the Vastu from the Northwest direction. This direction is endowed with qualities for inducing the flow of cosmic energy in the Vastu.

As per the Vastu-Purush-Mandal, Goddesses like Pavan, Som, Ish, and Aditya who symbolize rejuvenation and growth govern the zone right from the Northwest to the East. For the family residing in the Vastu, interaction and rapport with one another is influenced by this direction only. Lord Hanuman is one of the most important members of Sapta Chiranjiva or the seven divine sons. Hanuman is also known as Pavan Putra (son of the Goddess Pavan). Pavan takes the form of Pran in the human body.

Yogashastra gives immense importance to the trinity – Mana (mind), Pavan (wind), and Gagan (sky or ether). Pavan helps in enjoining the immeasurable energy of the Gagan with the Mana. The Goddess Pavan handles the important task of creative circulation of the cosmic energy and the Pran Shakti in the Vastu from the Northwest direction. Vayu Tatva is associated with the colour ‘blue’ in Yogashastra. Creative use of blue colour can activate the Vayu Tatva in the Vastu.

The utilises a blue-coloured ‘Mala’, blue crystal, and jingle bells made of ‘Panch Dhatu’ (an amalgam of five metals) to bestow on the Vastu divine bliss and to promote better understanding and interaction between the people residing therein. Feng-Shui stresses the use of jingle bells to remove negative energies from the Vastu. In Lama rituals and in Buddhist culture in general, the cyclic revolutions of some special kind of bells are considered important for linking the Mana with Gagan. As we have been repeatedly pointing out that a crystal encloses within itself the power centre that influences human aspirations, plans, and endeavours. As such, placing a blue crystal in the Northwest direction provides a shield against indecision or inaction.

Use of Mirrors: Mirror Vastu

Sometimes the North and East sides of a room or a house are completely blocked by wall construction. This type of Vastu dosha can be countered by the use of mirrors.

The North and East are source directions for Jaivik Urja and Pranik Urja respectively. Blockage of these streams by the walls can be removed by using mirrors on these directions to initiate and provide channel for smooth flow of positive energies. Mirror on the North wall simulates large North-South length, a virtuous quality in Vastu shastra. In the plate shown, notice the large sized mirrors on the North and East walls. Apart from this, a lunar shaped water surface has been provided in the Northeast comer to promote a cycle of auspicious events.

Water Body in Northeast Zone

Lunar shaped exposed water source placed in the Northeast zone is considered auspicious in Vastu shastra. It enhances the polarised positive energy flow in the surroundings and blesses the household or premises with grace and wealth.

As shown in the plate, a curved (lunar shaped) water pond has been constructed in marble cladding in the Northeast zone. Additionally, opening in the compound wall adds to virtuous qualities of this zone.

Glass Bricks

The transparent glass bricks allow for natural light inside a room during daytime.

In a case where the East, Northeast directions are blocked due to wall constructions and windows have not been provided, glass bricks can be used in place of regular bricks for part portion of the wall for initiating flow of Pranik Urja and Jaivik Urja from the source directions East, and North respectively.

All the Vastu Yantras and Vastu remedies

How can crystals or semi-precious gems have any relevance in today’s highly scientific technical way of living?  Maybe we have forgotten some of our inner knowing and self-healing abilities and crystals serve to remind us of this.

Crystals and vibrational medicine are now receiving much attention, and science has only just begun to research into their properties for healing, although some technical equipment now contains quartz crystal, as indeed do many watches.

Science states that everything is in motion, which means that everything has a vibration.  If something vibrates it has an energy and this energy (heat) can be felt.  Some components of your house will be warmer than others.  You just have to feel the warmth of wool and the coolness of metal to understand this energy vibration.  Crystals vibrate, thus they give off energy and this is what we may feel when we hold or touch the crystals either as heat or cold or maybe even a vibration.

Uses for crystals and stones for healing purposes-

Choosing a crystal for your own personal healing is probably best done intuitively, by finding a stone that you like or feel comfortable with.  Much has been written about crystals, the history, their usage and their individual properties, however, I believe the best way of learning about them is to choose one and work with it for a week or so.  No one can describe the benefits in the right words for you.  However, you may feel a warmth or a coolness, an energy boost or just feel a calmness from the crystal.

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Faq related to Astrology and Vastu Shastra

1. What is the relationship between astrology and Vastu-Shastra?

In the world where ancient wisdom meets modern living, astrology and Vastu-Shastra stand as profound pillars guiding individuals toward harmony and self-discovery. These two practices are interconnected and often considered supplements to each other, as they both involve understanding cosmic energies that influence our lives and surroundings.

2. How do astrology and Vastu Shastra work together?

Astrology and Vastu-Shastra share common elements like vibrations, waves, sound, and light. These factors influence the environment, making places either positive or negative. Just as astrology studies these elements in relation to individuals, Vastu-Shastra applies them to the spaces people inhabit, creating an interesting interplay between the two practices.

3. What is the significance of the five great elements in Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra’s foundation is based on the energy of the five great elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Ether. These elements need to be balanced within a living space to ensure harmony and positive energy flow, contributing to the overall well-being of the inhabitants.

4. How do remedies in Vastu Shastra work?

Vastu Shastra remedies involve various tools and techniques to rectify imbalances in a living space’s energy. These remedies can include the use of colors, plants, chanting mantras, regulating solar radiation, and more. These changes help harmonize the energies within a space without requiring structural alterations.

5. What is Avakhada Chakra?

Avakhada Chakra is a magical chart that correlates directions, constellations (Nakshatras), colors, numerology, plants, and the five great elements. It provides a comprehensive guide for achieving a harmonious connection between a living space and the cosmos.

6. How are Nakshatras associated with the five great elements?

Nakshatras are linked to specific Panch-Maha-Bhutas characteristics, which correspond to particular zodiac signs. This connection between Nakshatras, zodiac signs, and the elements forms an intricate web of energies that influence an individual’s life and living space.

7. How do Vastu dosha and astrology relate to cyclic repetition in life?

Vastu doshas, or imbalances in a living space, can lead to cyclic repetitions of challenges and negative experiences. Astrologically, the planetary influences on specific directions can contribute to these cycles. Recognizing and rectifying these doshas can help break free from negative patterns.

8. How can Vastu remedies enhance the energy flow in a space?

Vastu remedies utilize various techniques to channel and polarize cosmic energies. Methods like using bells, crystals, mirrors, and specific directional corrections help optimize the energy flow in a space, promoting positive vibes and beneficial outcomes.

9. How does the placement of mirrors affect Vastu?

Mirrors can be strategically used to redirect energy flows in Vastu. Placing mirrors in blocked directions can initiate smooth energy movement. For instance, mirrors placed in the North and East can help alleviate blocked energy and allow positive forces to flow freely.

10. What role do crystals play in Vastu and astrology?

Crystals possess vibrational properties that align with cosmic energies. They can be used to enhance positive vibrations, balance energy, and promote healing. Crystals act as conduits for cosmic energies, making them valuable tools in both Vastu and astrology practices.

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